Handicrafts and Appropriate Technology

Cameroon Blog


Computer Aided Hospital Management System/Rural Oriented Hospital Management System

The whole pallet, from service up to operation has to be organized, which creates costs, -very characteristic of institutions in urban areas. This is quite opposite to institutions far away from the cities. The lack of finances, regarding staff as well as in the planning and use of the operating costs, needs to be appropriately taken into consideration. A rural oriented hospital management system (ROHMS) must take these factors into account. The difference between CAHMS and ROHMS is in location. In urban areas, a hospital functions only when the industrial-technological pre-conditions are met; i.e. personnel, training, patient care, air-conditioning, etc., must be adjusted. A problem in other cultures, for example, is the patient care by relatives, which often leads to difficulties in the recovery process and brings new health risks with it. In a ROHMS, specific characteristics of rural life are taken into account. 

The energy production is different, the employees are not confused through industrial training, the water supply, incl. Drainage is completely different as compared to urban areas. The traditional knowledge is used, natural climate control is utilized, local materials and traditional, yet adapted, forms of construction are used. The staff follows local forms of remuneration based on the traditional culture. Although this described system is already being practiced in an environmentally friendly manner etc., the influence of the resource-devouring, environmentally damaging industrial system is so widespread, that reasonable alternatives are unlikely to prevail.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:52 AM,


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