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Sima Hanna's hard work

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Aaron Kah
Sima Hanna is an appreciated beneficiary of a Heifer International Cameroon gift of sheep in Moutourwa subdivision of Mayo Kani division of the Far North Region of Cameroon. Hanna received her blessing through her GIC Djounoukom Vou of Mordok in 1999. She is mother of five children (3 boys, 3 girls), a girl in secondary school and two boys in primary school. The last two children are not yet of school going age.

Before Hanna braved poverty, she farmed by hand for a living almost like every woman in her community, low harvest and the lack of support from her spouse down played good yields. The woman also kept some small animals from which to source additional income but her little knowledge of proper animal husbandry left her and the animals at the same level.

Heifer International Cameroon responded to the plight of Hanna and her group members when they applied in 2009. A series of capacity building modules on leadership, group dynamic and management, compost making, improved sheep husbandry, gender equity, on HIV & AIDS and Heifer International cornerstones were handed down to the farmers. “In addition, I received a two-wheeled truck, improved seed varieties (cowpea, groundnut and maize) and four sheep (3 female and 1 ram)” Hanna said. The awareness unmasked the talent in Hanna as she intensified her farming activities; from the animals she got manure for her farms. “I harvested 200 kg of maize compared to 100 kg last farming season on the same piece of land” Hanna excited said about her progress. Observing the visible signs of development Hanna’s husband submitted to her plea for support at work. The husband’s untiring support in household chores and farm activities reflected visibly in their output. “I sold 100 kg of maize at 12,000FCFA ($24), spent 6,200FCFA ($12.4) on clothes and the rest on food during end of year festivities” the woman said. The family had plenty to feed on and that made the once impoverished family healthy.

Hanna with her sheep “Before Heifer International Cameroon’s assistance, I used to have on average of 20,000FCFA ($40) from sales of animals”. She said. Hanna earned 75,000 FCFA ($150) from the sale of three sheep at the beginning of the project. This was the base of her spending income. The couple is saving for rainy days. Their children are in school doing fine and their present renewed hope challenges the past “I now feel happy in my village as both men and women respect me for my ownership of animals” Hanna confirmed. The couple has vowed to show appreciation to the donations of Heifer International Cameroon with hard work. Their financial empowerment is also a motivation to share with the impoverished “I want to thank Heifer International Cameroon for what she has done to me and my family I pray God to continue to bless you all,” Hanna wished.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:08 AM,


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