Traditional Culturte and Future Development
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Labels: Aaron Kaah Yancho, Anthony Ndi, Matthew Basung Gwanfogbe, Njini Victor Ndu, Senta Siller Norbert Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:49 AM,
Bazaar in Haus der Wirtschaft / Markt der Voelker
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Bazaars always bring together volunteers, artists and so many others who are interested in cultural arts and there preservation and also help disseminate information. Lately, one bazaar was held in the City of Stuttgart on October 2-6, 2013. Dr Senta Siller, Monika Kuppler (volunteer from Women Centre Unit in TGD village), Marlis Bartkiewicz (volunteer from Basic Health Unit in TGD village) and Dr Norbert Pintsch participated and gave information about the NGO (Anjuman-e-Falah-e-Aama (NGO) in Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka) and its activities.
In addition to the famous Thatta Kedona dolls, samples from Mr Waseem’s Lacquer Work, Mr Aslam’s Block Printing,Mr Naqqash’s Camel Skin Painting and Mr Haq Nawaz’s stationary as well as some dolls from NGO (CAT) in Bamenda and Mr Basil’s Brass casting were also displayed.
Tanto Mejor (CNG) in Saboya with dolls and samples from Senor Gerardo (Tagua work) was also there and attracted many visitors.
Labels: Bazaar, Dr. Senta Siller, Monika Kuppler, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:40 AM,
Where There is Hope
Monday, October 7, 2013
In search of hope girls of school going age in these region tend to follow their mum’s to the farms to lean support on food security. At family levels they trek with their mothers through long distances to crouch in the empty river beds digging up muddy water for drinking and washing on the same spots where livestock cattle drink under the biting heat. In a report on climate change mitigation by the Organization for Economic Cooperation entitled: What do We Do?, 2008 and the Oxfam international the “Right to Survive” and the humanitarian challenge of the 21th century , the world is warned that the impact of the climate change in areas like this will continue to worsen and for people already affected the need to adapt is urgent. Farmers and communities mentioned above fall in this poster.
By working to help farmers coaxing a living in this arid lands, strategies for implementing these solutions need to be rooted in an understanding of how these people sustain their livelihoods. Working at community levels like what the peasants are doing along this shrunk Lake Chad river basin can not be sufficient response enough to support effective adaptation. Climate change is a long term issue for people living in poverty and by supporting tree planting campaigns like what the Ghana research institute for Agro forestry is doing in Kumasi, encouraging farmers with farm inputs and small financial Lake L. chad river basin schemes to farm with trees can go along way to bringing some remarkable solutions. The government of Cameroon and the other states surrounding the Lake Chad river basin on a surface area of One million square miles with an estimate of 42million people can play a fundamental role in also reducing these communities vulnerability to climate change by ensuring the proper use of carbon credits and by putting in place visible structures at grass root levels to coordinate actions and intervention. From experiences scanty resources breed conflicts for grazing land and water sources.
Citizens especially women who are the most affected in climate related issues most talk their husbands to put down their arms and to work with them in order to sake common solutions as a long term measure of achieving this development goal.
Labels: Aaron Kah, CatCamBam, Climate Change
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:41 AM,