The Youngsters Club
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
By Njini King Caro
The ears of the decision-makers are often filled by sounds in the background, these coming not only from the voters but also from wise partners, who help indirectly to choose the direction of thinking. Neutrally engaged however are the children, who help the adults unintentionally, foremost being the parents, to navigate in a younger generation. Most different regimes have taken advantage of the children. Active support of the new generation is achieved by exposing the children at an early age to the new concepts.
In business terms unfortunately, we see the young consumers being educated as consumers for the advantage of the consumer goods industry. Consumption means destruction of resources, environmental damage, super filialness in various areas, it is therefore important, that the medium of the children is utilized in a positive manner and also to open their minds for the problems of the present times.
It is this realization, which forms the basis of C.A.T. (NGO) and the Youngster Club. The idea developed in 2009, which led in 2010 to a number of events and thereby also to the travel of a private German travelling circus and its two artists, who were helped by DGFK, the partner organizatrion of CAT, in travelling all the way from Germany to Cameroon.
The children were informed and educated in three presentations. On the Youth Day, combined with the 50th anniversary of the independence of the country, children were invited to an event, in which drinking chocolate and cakes were made, with the help of solar energy oven and solar energy cooker.
In one of the largest schools of the regional capital Bamenda, the programme director Mr. Victor of CAT introduced the children to the concept, which was further explained by the programme director Mr. Manasse well before the children became tired.General jubilation was the proof, that the adopted method was correct.
At a third event, the CAT displayed its gadgets, together with Tombola and small performances by the circus people.
The general tendency was hope for repetition in the next year, eventually integrated into a theater performance and highlighting the above mentioned problem areas.
Labels: Cameroon, CAT, NGOs, Youth Day
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:26 AM,